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How Mentally Tough Are You?

My experience as a Success Coach has led me to believe that the difference between a new internet marketer making it or not , is how mentally tough they are.

Mental toughness isn't something that you can see.

It's not like being physically strong and showing off a 6-pack or a pair of HUGE biceps.

Mental toughness is about being able to regulate thoughts, deal with emotions, and maintain productivity, despite the circumstances you find yourself in.

You can build and improve yor mental toughness, but in order to do that you need to undertake some really honest self-reflection.

Acknowledging strengths and being willing to work on limitations is the place to start.

The thoughts we have directly impact on our mindset. These questions will help you understand areas where you're positive, and those where you might have limitations.

  1. What inaccurate conclusions do I draw about myself?

  2. What types of things do I beat myself up over?

  3. What excuses do I let myself make?

  4. What's your definition of success?

  5. What do I tell myself when I fail?

  6. What is my self-worth based on?

  7. What do I think when I'm rejected?

  8. What type of self-doubt do I experience?

  9. When do I become overconfident?

Mentally tough people are in touch with their emotions and have healthy coping methods to deal with them.

  1. How do I respond to emotional pain?

  2. Which emotions sometimes get the best of me?

  3. Which fears prevent me from reaching my greatest potential?

  4. Which emotions do I avoid the most?

  5. When do I feel happiest?

  6. Which emotions lead me to behave out of character?

  7. What strategies do I use to boost my mood when I'm down?

  8. Can I recognize when my emotions are starting to get out of control?

  9. What do I do when I notice I'm starting to feel sorry for myself?

Finally, the ability to remain productive is a sure sign of mental toughness. This can range from changing your actual behaviour to changing your environment, doing things you really don't want to do, or experimenting to get the best outcome. It also includes making the best choice for yourself even when that decision might make you unpopular.

  1. When do I give up too soon?

  2. When do I keep going longer than I should?

  3. Do I recognize when my behavior isn't in line with my values?

  4. Do I take care of my body well so my mind can be at its strongest?

  5. Which mistakes do I make over and over again?

  6. When do I seek short-term solutions that lead to long-term problems?

  7. What prevents me from taking action toward the goals I want to achieve?

  8. Do I devote my time and energy to things I believe are most important?

  9. How do I sabotage myself?

Everyone has the ability to improve mental strength, but you have to start with understanding how mentally tough you are in the first place.

And even if you're really tough mentally, there's always room for improvement.....

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