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Finding Your Purpose

Yesterday I shared with you about a journey that I've been on in recent weeks which has led me to redefine my purpose and direction for my business.

Some people define their purpose as knowing their 'why'.

I totally disagree with this concept because my 'why' is not my purpose.

My 'why' for my business is to be able to be at home for my daughter as she is growing up (she's 19 months old at the moment), and to be able to be at home when she needs me to be as she gets older.

My purpose for my business is to help as many people as I can to be successful.

And the direction of my business is how I'm going to do that!

I do think that your purpose and direction are totally intertwined.

They're both determined by the things you're passionate about, and by the things you enjoy doing.

So how do you discover your purpose and direction?

The only way to discover this is to go on a journey of self-discovery, and you need to ask yourself a few questions......

  1. What do you want to do?

  2. Why do you want to do it?

  3. What does success look like for you?

  4. What excites you about what you're doing right now?

  5. Why does it excite you?

  6. What has excited you in the past?

  7. Why did it excite you?

  8. Why aren't you doing it now?

  9. What comes easily or naturally to you?

  10. How do you want to feel about your life when you're older?

And then you need to ask yourself a few more questions......

  1. What don't you want to do?

  2. Why don't you want to do it?

  3. What does failure look like for you?

  4. What don't you like about what you're doing right now?

  5. Why don't you like it?

  6. What's stopping you from changing it?

  7. What things did you do in the past that you really don't like?

  8. Why don't you like them?

I'd recommend starting with these questions first.

Spend some time really examining each one.

You might find it helpful to talk it through with someone who you're not that close to; they can often help you to find a different perspective and ask questions that someone close to you wouldn't ask you.

I've found an extra couple of really useful tools that I'll share with you tomorrow, but for now,

Start asking yourself some questions.......

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