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A little bit about me

My name is Kate and I'm the owner of 'Younger for Longer with Kate'.  I set up my business when I was 32 weeks pregnant so that I could be a stay at home Mum to my precious baby when he or she arrived.  Mia was born on 4th November 2016, and is has quickly filled a hole in our lives that we didn't know was there!


I previously worked for the largest ambulance service in the world for 14 years, and then went to university to change my career into Occupational Therapy.  I studied while working full-time (including a 24-hour shift pattern) plus huge amounts of overtime to fund my studies, and eventually qualified in 2008.  Since then I have undertaken much post-graduate training in health and well-being.


Starting a new business, looking after a new-born baby, being a wife and running a home has been one of the most challenging things I've ever done in my life!  But the rewards of all those things are monumental and this is another milestone in my life.  My business allows me the opportunity to have financial AND time freedom.


I am passionate about excellent skin care, and in fact, many of my friends will testify that I've 'banged on about it' for years.  I've used anti-aging skin care since my early 20's, and advocate it for everyone!!!  But beauty isn't only skin-deep - it definitely comes from within; physically, psychologically and spiritually.  You need to look after all three to be truly beautiful inside and out........


Since starting my business I've found success through a range of different mediums including social media, solo ads, and affiliate marketing.  Because of this, SuccesswithYFLKate was born to allow me the opportunity of helping as many others people as possible to grow and develop their business too!  I'm also passionate about helping other people to do the same and to have the same success I have.  After all, online marketing isn't going anywhere, and if you want your business to be successful than you need to be able to master the art of marketing online, in all it's forms.   I can help you.


I hope you enjoy reading my blog posts and find at least some of the information helpful.  Please feel free to contact me through my Facebook page or by email if you want to ask me anything, or suggest subjects for me to cover.

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