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25 Skin Superfoods

It is common knowledge that superfoods promote, to name a few, heart, lung, kidney, and liver function, but there is growing evidence to suggest that diet also affects complexion and skin.

Your diet can affect hormone balance, can increase or reduce inflammation, which in turn can cause or reduce acne and skin aging. What you eat is as important as the products you use on your skin.


1) Olive oil

About 75% of the fat in olive oil is monounsaturated fatty acids, which may play a role in anti-aging. The antioxidant polyphenols in olive oil could also quench damaging free radicals.

2) Tomatoes

Contain the antioxidant lycopene (levels of which are higher in cooked, processed tomatoes) which improves skin’s natural SPF – this, however, is not a replacement for sunscreen!

3) Dark chocolate

Rich in cocoa flavanols, plant compounds with antioxidant properties, dark chocolate hydrates skin and improves circulation. A 1-ounce portion, 28 gram or 150 calorie portion is enough for gain the benefits.

4) Oatmeal

A wholegrain foods are a much better option than sugar rich and refined carbohydrate foods. Foods with a high glycaemic index encourage the production of insulin and hormones called androgens. Androgens cause increased sebum production which leads to blocked pores, resulting in pimples.

5) Sardines

One portion of sardines contains 1.5 grams of omega-3 fatty acids . Oily fish is particularly rich in the type of omega-3 called DHA (Decosahexaenoic Acid), which is an anti-inflammatory, and therefore, will help to reduce acne.

6) Green tea

Catechins like EGCG (antioxidants) boost blood flow and oxygen to the skin, delivering key nutrients.

7) Kale

Contains lutein and zeaxanthin, nutrients that absorb and neutralise free radicals created by UV light – including those that get through sunscreen and reach your skin.

8) Walnuts

The only type of nut that contains a significant amount of omega-3 fatty acids, particularly alpha-linolenic acid. “Deficiency in alpha-linolenic acid can cause eczema.


9) Orange peel

Contains limonene, a compound found in the oil in the peels that offers the UV-protective benefits and helps to prevent skin cancers.

10) Grass-fed beef

Contains a higher ratio of omega-3 to omega-6 fatty acids (to reduce inflammation), and nearly 30 grams of protein per 99 gram serving. Protein is essential for collagen and elastin tissue, which keeps skin taut and less wrinkled.


11) Herbs

Herbs contain high levels of antioxidants, which protect the skin from free radicals from the sun before they can damage skin, and help to reduce the risk of developing skin cancers.

12) Almond milk

this to substitute dairy. Dairy products increase inflammation, which causes and aggravates acne, wrinkles, and rashes.

13) Water

Water keeps your skin hydrated, which makes it less wrinkled.

14) Soy

Contains isoflavone which can help stop collagen from breaking down.


15) Oysters

One of the best sources of dietary zinc. Zinc plays an important role in the growth and function of skin cells. There is evidence to suggest that acne sufferers have low zinc levels.

16) Coffee

Research identifies that drinking coffee every day can significantly reduce your risk of developing skin cancers.


17) Kiwi

Contains nearly 120% of your

recommended daily amount in one medium kiwi. Vitamin C stimulates collagen synthesis, which keeps skin taught and smoothes fine lines.

18) Pumpkin

Cooked pumpkin is one of the top sources of beta-carotene. Beta-carotene is converted into vitamin A (a half cup of cooked pumpkin contains nearly 400% of your recommended daily amount Vitamin A), which is essential for the growth of skin cells.


19) Red wine

Red wine is a top source of

resveratrol, an antioxidant compound with anti-tumor properties.

20) Sunflower seeds

Contains 37% of your recommended daily amount of Vitamin E per 28 grams. Vitamin E is thought to enhance immune function, allowing the body to fight off the inflammation that leads to acne.


21) Mackerel

Mackerel is one of the best sources of vitamin B12, containing 16 mcg, or 270% of your recommended daily amount. Symptoms of B12 deficiency include Hyperpgimentation (dark spots) and vitiligo (white spots).

22) Avocados

Avocados contain compounds that protect the skin against sun damage and high doses of Vitamin E.

23) Broccoli

Contains many vitamins and minerals important for skin health, including zinc, vitamin A and vitamin C. It also contains lutein, a carotenoid that works like beta-carotene. It protects the skin from oxidative damage, which can cause skin to become dry and wrinkled. Broccoli also contain a special compound called sulforaphane, which may be influential in reducing skin cancers. Sulforaphane protects against sun damage.

24) Pomegranate

Packed with polyphenol antioxidants, which fight free radicals and regulate skin's blood flow.


25) Kidney Beans

High in zinc. Research identifies a link between acne and low zinc levels.


Girdwain J (2013) 25 Best foods for for your skin. (online [Accessed 25/03/2017]

Kozochyk A (2017) The good-skin diet: 10 foods for healthier skin. (online [Accessed 25/03/2017)

Images courtesy of Pixabay, Google Free Images, and Picolage

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