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5 Essentials for a Facebook Live Video

Let's be honest, Facebook Lives and video blogging are here to stay. The latest rumour we've heard is that Facebook want to be the top provider of video, to outdo YouTube even, and as such, will promote your live video to ensure it gets maximum reach. This is even more true if your video is more than 10 minutes long.

I started doing Facebook Lives back in January 2017, and felt the same as you - anxious, dry mouthed and terrified of what people thought, so my first Live was only about 2 minutes long. Then I started doing a Live video everyday, just a couple of minutes long and only about what my plans were for the day. What this allowed me to do was practice! - and although I'm far from being perfect, I'm much more confident today about doing a live video than I was 4 months ago.......

​Top Tips for your video

When you're doing your Live video I think it's really important to make sure you present yourself well - tidy hair, make-up (if you were it!), and dressed in reasonable looking clothes; I found out to my dismay and horror that pyjamas or a gaping blouse don't make for pleasant watching! So make sure you look good (and feel comfortable!) even if it's not your best bib and tucker!

It's also OK to have a glass of water nearby, and to drink from it if you get a dry mouth! You'll notice that all the best presenters always have a glass of water to hand. And it's also OK to have notes as long as you don't read from them. When I have a list of things to go through, for example, 25 Superfoods, I had notes written which I read A LOT beforehand, and then just glanced at when I was recording.

Try to do your video with your face towards natural day light - it just looks nicer! If the day's gloomy or you just can't do this then invest in a light to go over your camera (or phone) that will illuminate your face properly.

Make sure you look into the camera and NOT at the screen - if you look at the screen it looks like you're looking away from your audience on the video - try it, you'll see what I mean.

I highly recommend a selfie tripod stand so that the camera isn't wobbling all over the place, and you can set the camera at the right height for the effect you want.

A good background or photo box always looks better, but to be honest most of us can't afford that when we're starting out, so try to make sure what's behind you is clean and tidy.

When you go live DON'T hang around waiting for people to join and watch. Just carry on with delivering your video as someone might be watching at a later time and they don't want to watch you waiting for your viewers to tune in!

So, take a deep breath, have a drink of water, breathe again, and let's get on with it..........

The 5 Essentials

When it comes to recording your video try to follow that same format every time; it'll soon become a habit as you practice and become more confident.

1) Introduction

Be proud of who you are and the content you're sharing. You have a wealth of knowledge and experience, and people want to hear about it!

Tell people your name and thank them for watching you. Tell people what you're going to be talking about.

2) Engagement

Invite people to engage with you. Ask people to write in the comments where they are joining you from. Also advise them to post questions in the comments but make sure you explain if you're going to address these as you go along, address them at the end, or address them afterwards (once you've calmed yourself down and given yourself a pat on the back!).

3) Deliver your content

Confidently and proudly! - you KNOW what you're talking about!!!

To generate more engagement you might allude to a couple of things rather than explain openly or in-depth ,and ask people to message you for more details - this creates curiosity which is a winner every time........

4) Engage again

Ask your audience to let you know:

Do they have any questions?

What's their biggest take-away from what they've watched?

Is there something they want to learn next time?

Depending on what you advised in step 2, scroll through the comments to address any questions that may have already been asked - make sure you say the persons name when you're answering their question; it makes them feel important!

5) Call to Action

This is super important. DON'T assume that people know what you want them to do. If you don't tell people what you want them to do they won't do it.

Depending on your content and options you might say:

Drop me a message for more information

Drop me a message to arrange X,Y,Z

Click the link below to go to my Page/Group/Website

Click the link to arrange a 1-2-1 consultation


And that's all there is to it! Easy, right?

So what's stopping you?

Click the link here if you'd like a FREE personal consultation or feedback for a video you've already done.

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