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7 Powerful Ways to Add Thousands to your List and Master the MLM “Numbers Game”

In MLM, it’s not what you know, or even who you know. It’s actually more about who knows you. If you’re at all serious, you’ve got a list of subscribers to your blog, an RSS feed, an email newsletter or other services. Whether you’ve got just 10 people on your list or 10,000, the object of the game is to build your list! After all, you’ve probably heard a thousand times…

“MLM is a numbers game!”

And making those numbers work for you is vital to your success. It’s not going to happen without hard work, “Rome wasn’t built in a day”. You can bet that any of the current crop of MLM gurus have lists in the tens of thousands — but they’re not resting on their laurels. They keep on building.

That’s why you’ve heard of them.

Here’s How You can Become One of Them:

1. Make it easy for visitors to subscribe.

Easy forms are a must. You don’t need to collect anything beyond their name and email. Think about it – they’re signing up because they want to – and asking for any more information might just make them think it’s too much work to subscribe.

2. Make it easy and painless for subscribers to unsubscribe

One day your subscriber will lose interest and want to move on – and if you keep contacting them, that’s when you become a spammer. At the end of every message you send, include a user-friendly way for them to stop receiving messages from you.

3. Offer an “ethical bribe” – something valuable in exchange for their contact information

A free report, a free e-book, a multi-part training course, a webinar or audio series, or a weekly or daily newsletter are among the best ways to “bribe” people to subscribe. Just make sure what you’re providing is unique, valuable, and well-produced.

4. Solve your visitors’ problems.

If your blog is public, provide great problem-solving content that makes your visitors want to keep coming back for more. Provide a way for them to subscribe to your RSS feed so they get the latest content.

5. Participate in forums and groups relevant to your niche.

Find out where your target market “hangs out” online, and join those forums and groups. Offer pertinent content, contribute meaningfully to the conversations in progress, and provide a link in your signature to direct people to your site. (But DO NOT spam these communities with irrelevant links or huge signature lines!)

6. Don’t “give away the store”

When offering your services, don’t be afraid to tease – use juicy, compelling headlines, bullets, and copy that hints at the value they’ll get if they join your list.

7. Create a sense of urgency

Use an “expiration date” to motivate your visitors to opt in to your list right away. You don’t need to get complicated — just mention that your special offer expires at a certain time on a certain date. Psychologically, your potential subscriber will then be forced to make a decision quickly.

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