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What I did to transform my business....

My network marketing business was failing. I was throwing everything I had at it. Nothing was working. I was getting desperate.

I set up my business when I was 32 weeks pregnant so that I could be a stay-at-home Mum to my precious baby when he or she arrived. I knew even before Mia was born that I wouldn't want to leave her at nursery 5 days a week so I embarked on this journey. I threw everything I had at it to try to get the business established before the baby arrived, took 2 weeks off after she was born, and then ploughed on. But nothing was working and the thought of having to go back to work was making me feel physically sick.

My friend was having the same problem and suggested an alternative company to me, which I joined (with some regret), spent a stack of money (which I could ill afford being on maternity pay), and proceeded to try to sell those products to my customers (mostly family and friends...) For the first time ever I held a home party. I hated it. I vowed I would NEVER do it again.

Then I saw a post on Facebook which my friend had 'liked' so I clicked on it. The post opened, I read it through, and it suggested that there was a way I could transform my business. That way was a method called attraction marketing, and in the post there was a link to a free10-day bootcamp. I thought to myself 'Great, its free! I'll have it!' so I entered my email address. Then of course, a special offer popped up......

Now me being me, I'm the kind of person who wants everything now, like, RIGHT NOW! And I knew that if I were given a course that was drip-fed to me over 10-days, the likelihood of me completing it were pretty slim, in fact, zero! So I bought the course - immediate access to the whole 10-day bootcamp in one foul swoop!!! 'YIPPEE', I thought, 'I can just get cracking', and with a 4-month old baby I had to grab every opportunity I had to study, and didn't have time to wait for the next bit of information to be sent to me.

So the confirmation email arrived and I logged in to the website. I was pleasantly surprised to find a video giving me a guided tour; how to navigate all areas, how to get my commissions - 'COMMISSIONS! - WHAT COMMISSIONS!?', how to access my courses, communities, in fact, so much information I seriously thought there'd been some mistake.

And then I found the Ignition Coaching Program. Training modules designed to guide me through setting up EVERYTHING I needed to do to kickstart my business - and it was FREE!!!! WITH THREE ONE-TO-ONE COACHING SESSIONS!!! I was just staggered..... all this for the cost of one training course at a reduced price!

It was the Ignition Coaching Programme that really launched my business. It gave me the tools I needed, with step-by-step instructions of how to implement them. I got my first leads within days, and my first commission within two weeks. I still can't quite believe what happened........

And that's it, the rest is history as they say. I'd finally found the answer I'd spent months looking for. Months of frustration and anxiety about my failing network marketing business gone, over in the click of a button. Worth an investment of anyone's money I think.

You can get your FREE10-day bootcamp by clicking and entering your email address. Once you've submitted your email address you'll be taken to a time-limited discounted Attraction Marketing Formula ebook if you'd prefer to take advantage of being a member of the Elite Marketing Pro community (that's what I did!).

Either way, you'll benefit from a great course which will launch your business if you TAKE ACTION and follow the advice provided.

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