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How to treat acne.

Here's your treatment plan broken down into bite size chunks.......

1) Lifestyle and environment

  • 10 minutes in the sun each

day for Vitamin D production, or take a Vitamin D3 supplement.

  • Don't touch your face.

  • Clean your mobile phone.

2) Diet

  • When gut flora is not happy, you will experience breakouts. (Probiotics can help you keep a healthy gut.)

  • Eat foods that fight inflammation: fruits and vegetables, nuts, fish or fish oil supplements, and olive oil.

  • Do not eat junk or fast food.

  • Avoid refined and processed foods. Minimize saturated and Trans fats - limit dairy consumption.

  • Avoid sugar. (Not only is it inflammatory, but it is also known to increase oil production.)

3) Skin Care Products

  • Start with a gentle cleanser

that is specifically designed to remove acne-causing bacteria and excess oil production.

  • Follow with a product that contains a gentle AHA or BHA to exfoliate the skin and a gentle concentration of salicylic acid or benzoyl peroxide, to destroy acne causing bacteria.

4) Prescription treatments

  • Antibactetials, antimicrobials,

antibiotics, Retinoids, oral contraception, Isotretinoin, Blue Light Therapy, cortisone, lazer treatment, Isolaz, medical facial. You need to speak to your GP or medical practitioner to access these.


Unknown (2017) Skin problems and treatment guide. (online at [Accessed 10/04/2017].

Unknown (undated) Best acne treatments. (online at [Accessed 10/04/2017].

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