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How to look after your skin if you have (or are prone to) acne

The following are some tips for looking after your skin if you suffer with acne:

  • Wash your face about twice each day with warm water and a product especially made for acne.

  • Don't try to burst your spots or pimples. You may push the infection further down, cause more blocking, worse swelling, increased redness and pain. Popping pimples makes scarring more likely. If you have to get rid of a pimple for some event, such as a wedding, or public speaking occasions, ask a specialist to treat it for you.

  • Try not to touch your face with your hands. When you are on the phone try not to let the receiver touch your face - there may be sebum, skin residue, bacteria and dirt on it. Keep your hands clean, wash them regularly.

  • Always wash your hands before touching your face. This includes before applying lotions, creams or makeup. Glasses should regularly be cleaned - they collect sebum, skin residue, dirt and bacteria, and the frame, particularly the muse pads, touch your skin all day.

  • Your skin needs to breathe. If your acne is on your back, shoulders or chest try wearing loose clothes. Tight garments, such as headbands, caps and scarves should be avoided - if you have to wear them make sure they are washed regularly.

  • Don't go to sleep with makeup on. Only use makeup that is noncomedogenic or nonacnegenic - you should be able to read this on the label. If you cannot find it, ask your provider. You should use makeup which does not have oil or silicone as these ingredients will clog up the pores.

  • Hair collects sebum and skin residue. Keep your hair clean and away from your face.

  • Too much sun can cause your skin to produce more sebum. Several acne medications make your skin highly sensitive and you're more likely tol be sunburned.

  • If you shave your face, do it carefully. Use either an electric shaver or safety razors. If you use a safety razor make sure the blade is sharp. Soften your skin and beard with warm soapy water before applying the shaving cream.

How to prevent making acne worse:

  • Menstrual cycle - girls and women with acne tend to get it worse one or two weeks before their menstrual period arrives. This is probably due to hormonal changes. Some people say they eat more chocolate during this time and wonder whether there may be a connection. However, experts believe the worsening acne is not due to chocolate, but rather to hormonal changes.

  • Anxiety and stress - mental stress can affect hormone levels, such as cortisol and adrenaline, which in turn can make acne worse. Again, stress can make some people binge-eat. Experts believe the culprits are most likely the hormone levels, rather than the binge-eating.

  • Hot and humid climates - when it is hot and humid we sweat more. This can make acne worse. Oil based makeups - moisturising creams, lubricating lotions, and all makeup that contain oil and silicone can speed up the blocking of your pores.

  • Greasy hair - some hair products are very greasy and might have the same effect as oil/silicone based makeup. Hair products with cocoa butter or coconut butter are examples.

  • Squeezing the pimples - if you try to squeeze pimples your acne is more likely to get worse, and you risk scarring.

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Brazier Y (2015) Acne: what causes it and how to relieve it. (online at [Accessed 01/03/2017].

Gardner SS (2017) Skin care for those with acne. (online at [Accessed 01/03/2017].

Unknown (2017) Acne: skin care and prevention tips. (online at [Accessed 01/03/2017].

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