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The number 1 skill in Network Marketing for 2017 (which your upline probably can’t teach you)

What if you could create a residual income BEFORE you even built a network marketing organisation?

…and what if you could do it without prospecting!?

Actually it is possible, but only if you know the No.1 network marketing skill that’s available today.

Unfortunately, your upline (probably) can’t teach you this skill, and the comment above is good evidence if this.

But I’m going to tell you exactly how it works and how you can use this method to solve the biggest problem most distributors face.

It has everything to do with automating your business online to:

  • Create massive leverage

  • Passively generate leads

  • Spend radically less time prospecting and recruiting.

Interested? then let's begin......

Network marketing is quickly evolving​

Normally you want to find

new people who might become your customers and who might also build your team.

And to do that, you’re normally taught to…

  • Make a list of (up to 300) friends and family so you can approach your warm market.

  • Approach your cold market and talk to anyone with a pulse.

  • Live with awareness, start a conversation with everyone you meet, and collect their contact information.

  • Share, share, share.

  • No doesn't mean no, it just means not now........

  • It's all in the follow-up.......

Sound familiar?

Does that stuff all work?

Absolutely, but all those things are very time intensive.

And, of course, with technology as it is......

Why wouldn’t you want to take advantage of more “modern” options that are less time consuming as well?

For example:

Facebook and social media allow us to connect with people in a similar fashion…

…without requiring us to leave home!

In fact, my colleague Julie Burke recruited 80% of her team of 8,300 distributors using Facebook, while at home, raising her two children, in just a couple of years.

How amazing is that!?

And incidentally, Julie joined forces with my partners at Elite Marketing Pro to create a training guide that reveals her exact social media recruiting strategies.

Fast forward to today:

Julie is focused on ONE thing.

And it’s a skill that is the No.1 skill you can learn right now as a network marketer to create incredible leverage and help you recruit more more people.

What is that skill?

It’s Facebook advertising!

Now, I appreciate that that

might scare some of you who hear the word “advertising” and immediately think…

“Wait, I have to spend money!?”

And yes, you do have to spend money.

But, your ad budget could start at five pounds per day (just don’t go to Starbucks or Costa every day and there’s your budget).

…and the rewards are huge!

The way to use Facebook advertising (also called “Sponsored Posts”) is simple.

Provide value by posting videos and content your audience is going to like.

That's what I do, and I teach my teamies to do the same - all of them........

What if you could create Facebook posts designed to attract top quality prospects?​

If you want to show your ad to a top network marketer’s audience, or you want to show it to all the distributors of a particular company, you can!

For instance, you can show it to audiences that follow Robert Kiyosaki, John Maxwell, or Tim Ferriss, and even Eric Worre and Ray Higdon.

You can also show your ad to people that are interested in certain topics, such as health and wellness, nutrition, or fitness.

You’ve got a heap of options, which you can read about here:

You MUST remember though

that your ad is not supposed to pitch!

It needs to be value-driven.

It’s about how you can help people and how you can solve their problems.

It doesn’t have to be complicated, either.

Read more about the type of value-rich content you can post on Facebook here:

There are two types of ads you can use on Facebook

These will help attract people to you every single day so you never have to prospect (if you don’t want to).

The first type is called an…

1) Engagement Ad

Facebook’s algorithm knows who’s more likely to engage with your post, such as liking it, commenting on it, and sharing it.

So when you “boost” a valuable piece of content, Facebook will optimize its audience for those people who are most likely to respond.

This works brilliantly when you tease (but don’t disclose) your product or opportunity.

People will often post in the comments and say…

“This sounds interesting. I’d like more information.”

They’ll even direct message you and engage in a private conversation.

This works because it’s not about you; it’s about what can you do for people.

The reason people are asking for “more information” is because they believe you can help them solve their problem.

They only catch is you have to execute this tactic correctly (otherwise you’ll wind up repelling the very prospects you were wanting to attract).

Click the link below to learn more.

The best part is that if you do this correctly, people aren’t even clicking to read the blog post, instead they’re all just commenting and saying…

Hey, I’d like to just talk to you about this and see it’s a fit for me.”

What more valuable skill can you learn in network marketing and direct selling than being able to passively attract people to you and your opportunity?

The second type of ad you can run on Facebook is:

2) Messaging Ad

Messaging ads include a special call to action function, which directs people straight to a private message with you.

It’s similar to the engagement ad above, but it cuts out the “middleman” of the blog post so you don’t need a piece of content, or even a website.

And when people click on the ad using their phone it opens up the Messenger window and begins a conversation with you.


You can attract any audience you choose

depending on what you’re promoting.

That means, if somebody has a Facebook Page, you can target their audience (for example, Robert Kiyosaki’s audience).

You also might want to advertise to the audiences of a network marketing company to see if any of the distributors want to join your team.

You can even target according to demographics, age, gender, marital status, employment status, employer, and more.

The options are endless!

What happens next?

Now that you’ve learned how to create massive leverage by attracting prospects through placing Facebook ads, how do you actually recruit a prospect that seeks you out?

Do you know what to say to sign them up?

Contrary to what you might have been taught by your upline, enrollment can also be optimised and automated, so you don't have to speak to anyone one-on-one, if you don’t want to.

If you want to learn more then I highly recommend signing up for my free online recruiting bootcamp.

You’ll see the exact online business building strategies I use to passively generate leads everyday, customers every day, and recruit new serious business builders into my business each month.

All with absolutely no phone calls, home parties, or hotel meetings, and without leaving my home.

So if you’re ready to get started…

Simply click here and I’ll gladly give you access to my 10-day bootcamp.

These are the strategies I used to transform my business, and I sincerely wish you every success in transforming yours.

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