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Should you be upset by 'unsubscribers'?

Last night I was sent a pretty unpleasant email by one of my subscribers. I promptly replied and told the person I was unsubscribing them from my list with pleasure.

The email contained language and derogatory terms that would have been, quite frankly, shocking and upsetting, if I allowed them to be.

So, what if you received an email like that from one of your subscribers. Would you be upset?

Well, my advice to you is that you shouldn't be....

Your loyal subscribers would never send you an email like that, because it's your loyal subscribers that have taken the time to get to 'know, like, and trust' you and welcome your help, advice and support.

It's also very clear that someone who sends you an email like that doesn't want or deserve any help from you, and they're never going to buy or subscribe to anything that you recommend either.

So actually, having them on your list is a waste of your time and money.

When you use an email autoresponder you pay for a package dependent on the number of subscribers you have. So, really you only want people on your list who are interested in, and appreciate, what you have to say.

Regularly 'clean' your list and unsubscribe email address that bounce or block your messages. Don't allow yourself to be upset by unpleasant emails, and definately don't be upset if people unsubscribe from your list.

Just be thankful that you have people on your list who are happy to hear from you.

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