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Who is your audience?

One of the questions I often ask my new team members is 'who are you trying to reach?', and the most common answer I get back is 'everyone'.

But this is one of the biggest mistakes you can make as an internet marketer.

You need to remember that if you're trying to reach everyone, then included in that group of everyone are the people who care not a single jot about you, what you're telling them, and what you're trying to advertise or sell.

So why would you try to convince them that what you have, they need?

Because really, you're on a highway to nowhere with those people...

The best and most effective way of selling anything is to sell to the people who already have an interest in what you're selling.

As internet marketers what we're really trying to do is help people.

So when you're creating content yoiu need to keep in mind who it is that you are trying to help.

To find out who this is, write down the answers to the following:

  1. What is the name of the person you are trying to help - make sure it is not someone you know eg: relative, friend, colleague, etc.

  2. Define them - age, be specific - not 18-64 but 25, 35,45 etc. married?, job?, kids? how many? what ages?

  3. What does a typical day look like in the life of ______________

  4. What social media platforms do they use, statting with facebook?

  5. What groups do they follow or belong to online?

  6. What do they read? (fiction? Travel and leisure? Huffington post? Wall street journal? We want to identify what content they are consuming daily.

  7. What sports might they play or follow?

  8. What are they afraid of, what is keeping them up at night?

  9. What danger may be around the corner that they don't see coming? (health, finance, job, etc)

  10. What is the biggest opportunity that exists now they don't know about yet?

  11. What are their ultimate hopes and dreams.

Once you've written down the answers print it out and keep it visible when you're writing emails, blogs, posts, recording videos,etc. Your content will be much more relatable to your audience if you keep them in mind while you're creating content, and you'll be much more likely to reach the people you're trying to help.

To access more in depth training you can sign up here.

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