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Avoiding the drama........

In recent months there has been some drama going on within our industry about one of the bigger companies out there… specifically, what’s been going on with the company founder.

Without getting into the nitty gritty and actually encouraging the drama I thought I'd share a lesson about the two different types of people that have responsed to the situation.

The first group of people have stood back, taking an observation role only, kept their distance, and just wishing everyone involved well. They see that the people involved are having a pretty tough time but instead of joining in the fray, pointing fingers and kicking someone when they're down, they wish them well, empathise with them, and send them their best wishes.

Sadly, the second group of people cotton on to the drama and make use of it to their own end. They post screenshots and videos, and make threats and insults that they wouldn't have the guts to say in person, face-to-face.

The truth is, they're using the situation to gain attention for themselves, because they don't actually know how to get positive attention themselves. And while they do this they're attracting the WORST kind of people to follow them.

These are the kind of people who run and hide as soon as you challenge their behaviour, and then just disappear off the face of the planet. The kind of people who hide behind a mask and don't have the courage of their convictions.

And, sadly, the internet makes for the perfect environment to be able to do this.

Ulimately, for these people, it doesn't matter how much money they make they'll never be happy, and they'll never be able to look at themselves in the mirror and know that they built their business with integrity.

The point of my blog today is this..........

  • Always choose to take the high road on your journey.

  • Always choose to focus on helping other people to be successful.

  • Make the choice to not engage in 'internet troll' behaviour, and never say anything that you wouldn't be happy to say in person.

  • Understand that making money isn't the goal, and it doesn't matter how much you make, if you make it using immoral methods you'll never be truly happy.

  • Commit to excelling in your business and commit to learning the skills you need to be successful without having to engage in the drama.

  • Understand that you might be in a good position now but that things can change in a split second and you might find yourself on the receiving end of the 'trolls'. You'll then be glad you took the higher ground.....

If you want to learn how to attract traffic, generate leads and make sales in your business WITHOUT having to lower your standards and compromise your integrity then click here to get started.

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