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Affirmations? Why do you need to do that!?

If you've started on the path of personal development (I'm sure you probably have, and if you haven't then you need to get going!) then you'll have come across a few of the personal development leaders talking about 'daily aiffirmations'.

There are a few different scripts that are recommended but the purpose is the same, and so is the outcome. There are also a few differing opinions about wheat happens when you make them, and my video below talks about two of them.

Affirmations are when you 'live' your goals each day to transfer them into your subconscience so that they can become a reality.

My friend Clare, who's training to be a NLP Practioner, shared this:

'Many people don’t realise that the practice of affirmations comes from the positive thinking movement that began in the late 19th century.

Tip 1: Affirmations should be formed in the present tense, as if they're already happening. This helps you believe that the statement is true right now. For instance, "I am well-prepared and well-rehearsed, and I can give a great presentation" would be a great affirmation to use if you often feel nervous speaking in front of a group.

Tip 2: The power of affirmations also lies in their repetition. It's useful to recite your affirmations several times a day (have them pop up in your computer diary). You also need to repeat your affirmation as soon as you start to engage in a negative thought or behavior.

Tip 3: Affirmations are more effective when they're thought or said with feeling. Every affirmation you choose to repeat should be a phrase that's meaningful to you. You need to want this change to happen.

Here are some examples of positive affirmations:

* I have plenty of creativity for this project. * My work will be recognized in a positive way by my boss and colleagues. * I can do this! * My opinion is respected and valued by my team. * I am successful. * I am honest in my life, and my work. * I like completing tasks and projects on time. * I'm grateful for the job I have. * I enjoy working with my team. * I'm bringing a positive attitude to work every day. * I am excellent at what I do. * I am generous. * I am happy. * I will be a leader in my organisation.

Key Points

Affirmations are positive statements that can help you overcome self-sabotaging, negative thoughts.

To use affirmations, first analyse the thoughts or behaviors you'd like to change in your own life and career.

Next, come up with positive, credible, present tense statements that are the opposite of these thoughts. Repeat your affirmations several times a day, especially when you find yourself slipping into a negative thinking pattern, or engaging in a negative behavior.

Remember that affirmations are most effective when used alongside other strategies, such as visualisation and goal setting.'

Email me if you need help writing your affirmations.

If you want to know more then I'd recommend reading The Science of Getting Rich' by William Wattles, and 'Think and Grow Rich' by Napoleon Hill.

If you implement the recommendations you might be surprised by the results.......

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