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The 7 Components of a 6-Figure Ecosystem

Have you ever wondered what you need to build a 6-Figure business? Listed below are the 7 components you need, each being as important as the other 6.

Component #1 OF The Six Figure Ecosystem - Your Capture page:

  • Turn the traffic you don't control and traffic you control into traffic that you OWN.

  • Build your list... Your single most valuable asset.

  • SOLE GOAL: Get your traffic to convert into an email list subscriber...

  • Your prospect is the thirsty deer... Don't do anything to scare them away.

  • Peak curiosity, and get them to optin.

  • Resources: Clickfunnels, Aweber, Sendlane (to store your leads)...

Component #2 - The Bridge Page:

  • Goals: Preframe your offer

  • Sell the next step

  • Create know like and trust (build the relationship)

  • The Components of the page:

  • Header

  • Subheader

  • Video

  • Call To Action

  • Resources: Clickfunnels, The Sixty Second Sales Hook (script), PowerPoint, Camtasia

Component #3 - Talk radio email:

  • Lesson: IF you're not willing to sell to your subscribers, you'll never make and money. The whole point of having your email list is to make money. Don't be shy about selling.

  • Provide irresistible entertainment in the AM and sell in the PM. (Sell in the commercial breaks).

  • Mental triggers to hit: Identification and catharsis

  • Builds a relationship further and starts to make sales to your subscribers.

  • Resources:

  • Daily Seinfeld Emails


Component #4 - Your blog or authority website:

  • Types of traffic: Cold, Warm, Hot

  • People buy from authorities. He/she who is teaching in marketing is naturally the authority.

  • Create content around the CORE problems people are facing in your marketplace to help them get a result.

  • Position yourself as a BRAND for longterm success.

  • Turns your traffic from cold to warm to hot, AND positions you as the leader and the authority.

  • Resources:

  • Optimize press (for your blog), website builder

  • Results in Advance video

Component #5 - Premium value offers:

  • The Manual - $1 - $97

  • Done With You $100/Hour

  • Done For You - $$$

  • What do they want in a perfect world?

  • Get as close as you can to that reality.

  • 90% of all of your profits will come from sales of backend premium value offers.

Component #6 - The Consult Funnel:

  • Lesson: It’s not always just about the offer or changing the offer, it’s about changing the sales medium of the offer itself.

  • The more personal the sales medium, the more of a high ticket offer you can sell.

  • Email - Front end

  • Webinars - Core products

  • Phone: Higher ticket

  • Events: High ticket

  • Resources: Clickfunnels, Wufoo, ScheduleOnce

Last, but definitely not least:

Component #7 of the Six Figure Ecosystem - The Webinar & The Automated webinar

  • Lesson: Just like with consult funnels, you can get VERY personal over a webinar when it comes to addressing people by name and making it feel tailored to them, BUT, you can sell to hundreds of people at once; sell core and high ticket offers one:many giving you more LEVERAGE.

  • You get the best of both worlds…

  • Branding and sales

  • The formula:

  • Identify what’s hot in the marketplace (facebook, sales funnels, social media, bitcoin, email marketing)…

  • Teach for about an hour on that topic

  • Sell the done for you solution

  • Automate the process of your core and higher ticket offers.

  • Resources: Keynote or PowerPoint, Gotowebinar, Webinarjam

By far the easiest and quickest way to get these components in place is to buy into a franchise company so that you can tap into their system and utilise it as your own.

Look at some of the biggest and most successful franchise companies (7-Eleven, McDonalds, Dunkin Donuts, Subway, Hilton Hotels and Resorts) and it's easy to see why so many people join them and why they seem to pop up all over the place!

It's because new business owners understand the value of buying into a tried and tested system with a tries and tested company.

Unfortunately most of us don't have the couple of hundred thousand pounds it takes to join one of these companies.

BUT if you want to start an online business franchise click here to join one for only $1!

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