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Connect, Collect, Communicate, Close - what's THAT all about!?

When I started on-line last year I had no clue what I was doing.

I did exactly what my leaders told me to do.

I put my link everywhere on social media 5 times a day.

Posted about the opportunity and whatever products I had.


I was so excited and even more excited thinking of all the people who were going to buy my stuff.

Because I was sure everyone wanted what I had.

First week went by, second week, third week….

Where were all these people that were supposed to be inboxing me begging me to sell them a product?

What I did notice was my tiny friends list diminishing.

Why was I losing friends? It was all a mystery to me.

I started to watch what other people were doing. Many were doing the same as me.

But many others who seemed to be leaders in the industry never put a link anywhere or rarely spoke about a product or their company.

I was so confused.

I spent my first 6 months being totally confused and frustrated about what to do and what not to do on social media.

I then looked around at people that seemed to be doing things right and really started stalking them.

I just got more and more confused.

I started buying course after course after course - shiny object syndrome definitely kicked in.......

But they never taught me what I ACTUALLY had to do to make any money.

So I bought more courses and spent more money and still things didn't really change much.

I was told to:

Connect with people. Meet them in person or online.

Collect and capture their email addresses. This was a tough part for me as I never understood where I was supposed to capture them from.

Communicate with the people that I had connected with….okay, this was easy. But then communicate with the people who's email I had collected…..even easier as I barely collected any!

Close these people on my company or my product. I was terrible at this and no one wanted to buy my products or sign up to my opportunity anyway.

Until you find the right leaders to follow and learn from, you will always be lost online.

Until you find a system to duplicate, you will stay stuck in overwhelm, struggling to make a even a couple of hundred pounds a month.

I look back and see the time I wasted on the wrong people, the wrong courses, and the wrong, or lack of, systems.

Never mind about the money I spent.........

Part of my purpose now is to save other peoples time. Time that they can never get back.

Money will always replenish itself; time won’t.

Think about that.

Contact me to discover the easiest way to fulfill the 4 C's above.

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