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Writing Your Soap Opera Email Sequence

So, you've just decided you're ready to take over your email list and start sending your own emails.

Scary huh!?

And I bet you're asking yourself


The first thing you need to get in place is a short series of emails that you can send automatically to soomeone when they first subscribe to your list.

This short series (normally 5 emails) is called your

(image courtesy of Russell Brunson

And this is how it works.

Day 1 - Set The Stage - your welcome email

Introduce yourself but keep it upbeat. If it's boring your new subscriber won't get past the first email. You might want to use something to hook them e.g. 'I've been building my business for x number of months/years but it wasn't until I started doing one thing that my business literally EXPLODED. I'll share that secret with you in my next email.'

Day 2 - High Drama

Tell your back story. How you started, where it went wrong, why it didn't work for you, and the dire straits you ended up in. Don't forget your new reader is waiting to here your secret. This is where you start the sales process, and it's good to do it in a PS e.g. 'PS before I go I promised to share my secret with you. Click here (link to website, video capture page, etc) to find out how I EXPLODED my business.'

Day 3 - The Epiphany

By now your new subscriber is getting to know and like you, and they're actually starting to root for you.....

The Epiphany email links directly to your business and you need to explain exactly what it was that exploded your business, e.g. 'It was when I found and leveraged this system........'

Day 4 - Hidden Benefits

Your new reader now realises that your system works, but they're almost definitely asking themselves if it can work for them. Use this email to list exactly what your product will give them. Make sure you provide a link for them to make a purchase because often they're ready to if you can help them see how your product can help them.

Day 5 - Urgency Call To Action

Although this is the last email in the series it's definitely NOT the last email your subscriber is going to recieve from you.

BUT, by now they know you much better, they like you, and they're willing to listen to you. Often you can get them to sign up to something just by introducing a sense of urgency, and this in turn starts them though the sales funnel e.g. 'sign up for this limited time/attendance free webinar', 'watch this video before X time to learn abc'. Close your soap opera series by asking for a sale!

And that's all there is to it!

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