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How To Make Your Traffic More Valuable

Yesterday we spoke about the single biggest reason most people fail in the Internet Marketing Industry.

And that reason is that your traffic isn't valuable and you don't have a system in place to make it valuable.

So how do you go about making your traffic valuable?

It's all to do with your SALES PROCESS.

After someone opts-in to your email list via your captre page, you need to send your new subscriber to a “tripwire/front end” offer. This is an offer that your new subscriber simply can't refuse. An offer that is EXTREMELY low ticket ($1-$49) and simply too good to pass up.

Next, for the small percentage of people who do buy, you should present an up-sell 'core offer'. This should be offered IMMEDIATELY after they buy so that you present your buyer with another offer while they're in 'buying mode'. When someone is actively taking action and buying they're much more likely to continue doing so.

Afte that, focus on a rock solid email follow-up top the subscribers who didn't purchase; only about 1-3% of people will buy when they first see a product or offer. Your email follow-up can convert some of the poeple who didn't buy into customers, and increase your percentage of lead-sale conversions. I spoke about your immediate email follow-up series last week, but you'll need to continue to email your list pretty much EVERY DAY. Click here if you need a recap about how and when to email your list.

It may sound a lot to you, but emailing your list every day is easy, and it works. Even a new internet marketer can get results when they're consistent. And once your emailing your list consistently you'll be converting the maximum percentage of leads into sales.

Now that you're converting leads into sales you can start focussing on backend conversions.

Backend conversions simply put is that your now making sales to existing customers rather than new leads.

This is not a negotiable part of the process if you want to be profitable, and you need to have 'profit maximiser' offers in place. These should be priced at $2000 and above, and should be 'done with you' and 'done for you' orientated.

No matter how good your information, no one's gonna spend $2000 on an ebook. So get real if you're thinking of taking that course of action.....

BUT let's use this as an example; you're selling an ebook about list building for $20. While you're NEVER going to be able to sell your customers more info about list building for $2000 or above, you ABSOLUTELY CAN offer hands-on help to implement what you've taught them. These are called 'high-ticket offers' and are 'done with you' or 'done for you' offers.

Done with, and for you, offers are the next steo in the sales process, and tobe honest, are actually what your buyer REALLY wants.

EVERYONE wants done for you solutions or hands-on help. And if you structure your offer correctly it's actually pretty easy to sell offers anywhere from $2000 - $10000.

The final part of the sales process is hosting a webinar.

Webinars allow you to get more personal with your email list subscribers while reaching more people at the same time. So instead of selling on a one-one basis you're selling on a one-many basis.

Webinars give you the perfect opportunity to sell your core offer to customers who bought your tripwire offer but didn't purchase your upsell.

They're are a multitude of reasons why someone might not have purchased your core offer when they purchased your tripwire. A webinar gives them the opportunity to learn something new and ask direct questions, and gives you the opportunity to answer their questions and address their objections in a very personal manner.

Some people just need a little more time to build a relationship with you before they'll take action and make a purchase. Webinars are the PEFECT place for you to do that, and not just to one person at a time, but to many, and VERY quickly.

So, to bring it all together.

You need a robust tried and tested capture page that converts at at least 40%. This needs to be followed by a sales and follow-up process that leads your buyer through tripwire, core, and high ticket offfers.

When you have both systems in place your traffic becomes valuable.

While your ROI might no tbe instant, it's a lot better than creating tonnes of videos, blog posts and social media posts that never get seen by anyone, wastes all your precious time, and potentially wastes your money on coaching and mentorship packages that don't ever help you to be successful.

Start focusing on what's ACTUALLY going to change and grow your business, and when you do, good things WILL happen.

To help you do just that click here. If you do you could have the best of both worlds. Not only will you get the entire sales process done for you, but you could also get your traffic done for you too!

I'm looking forward to seeing your success soon.

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