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How Do You Treat Yourself?

Having completed the exercise in this blog you now know EXACTLY how valuable you are.

And you know EXACTLY how much you have to give to other people.


But the real question is:

Do you treat yourself like the amazing and valuable person that you are?

To be honest, most of us don't. And that's why we feel unsatisfied with life, like we're not achieving anything, UNDERVALUED, and stuck in a rut.

To break the cycle, YOU NEED TO MAKE A CHANGE!

Here are a few things you can do to start increasing your sense of self-worth:

  1. Love yourself. Remind yourself daily of how valuable you are! Don't compare yourself to other people. Love yourself for who you are not who you think you should be.

  2. Appreciate yourself. EVERY evening write down three things that you did/did not do that you're proud of about yourself.

  3. Seek out happiness. Do something EVERYDAY that makes you happy.

  4. Speak your mind. Tell people what's important to you; what you're passionate about, what your values are, how you feel, what your dreams and aspirations are.

  5. Do the right thing. Doing what you believe to be the right thing ALWAYS makes you feel better about yourself.

  6. Stop your inner critic. We're all great at being self-critical but giving yourself 50 lashes every time something goes not quite to plan isn't good for your self worth. It's ok not to be a perfectionist, or even perfect, all the time.

  7. Learn. Turn EVERY mistake or failure into a learning experience. When you want to learn something new you have to stumble and fall along the way. THIS IS NORMAL! Without taking risks and putting yourself out there you stagnate, and when you do take the risk you're generally pretty proud of yourself for taking the chance.

  8. Be you. Be authentic; it's your greatest asset! Who are you? Be to the rest of the world the person that you are, not the person you think people want you to be.

  9. Embrace change. Our lives are continually changing and will continue to change. Embrace it! It might be frightening but you've done it so many times before you should be a dab hand at it....... ;-)

  10. Create calm. How can you make your workspace a calmer place to be? Are you tidy? - if not you need to be. Calming pictures? - get some, whatever they may be. Noise? - what suits you best? Temperature? Lighting? All these things impact on your ability to be calm.

  11. Copycat. You are the average of the five people you spend most of your time with. Surround yourself with people who motivate you, inspire you and give you strength, and the people who are having the success you desire.

  12. Take a moment. Just have some time to yourself. Be introspective. Make a connection to whatever's out there; whether it's spiritual, religious, or the universe. Whatever your belief is, just take some time to be with it.

Once you start believing that you're a valuable person and can make a HUGE contribution to the world, your confidence will increase alongside your self-belief. That in turn, will impact on the whole of your life.......


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