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What's Your Purpose?

In recent weeks I've spent quite a lot of time wondering why, and examining the reasons, I've been feeling 'stuck' in my business.

It kind of came to a head during one of my seminar classes where some of my fellow participants were sharing the things they were stuck with, and were receiving some coaching around this.

Some of the things our Coach was asking really resonated with me, and it got me thinking about my business, and why I wasn't taking the actions I 'knew' I needed to take.

I discovered that one of the things holding me back was my thinking around 'needing to do more', and 'needing to do better'.

The problem with this kind of thinking is that it ALWAYS leaves you lacking - you're not doing enough, and you're not doing it well enough.

All the time you're thinking that way there's no room to 'do things differently', which is really what you need to do, and actually, it takes an extraordinary person to acknowledge that what they are doing is 'enough, and is good enough', and that what they actually need to do is something different!

I'm striving to be an extraordinary person......

My examination of my relationship with my business led me to look at how I fell about my Mum and her business, and how I compare myself to that.

It also led me to examine my life situation as it is now, and how it compares to how my Mum lived her life.

You might be asking why this is relevant?.......

It's relevant because those things influence how I behave in my own business; the actions I do or do not take.

Further examination led me to look at what action I am taking in my business, and how I feel about it.

It also led me to discuss my actions/non-actions with one of my fellow Coaches.

The result of this examination is that I realised that although I love sharing my knowledge and helping you guys to develop your business, the direction of my teaching doesn't excite me,

and this is critical to having a successful business........

You have to be passionate about your knowledge base,

you have to be passionate about what you're sharing with people,

and you have to be passionate about how you're helping people.

Ultimately, this all comes down to your purpose.

Of course, your purpose in life changes and evolves, and it's definitely something you have to keep up with, otherwise you end up feeling stuck.

This whole process has helped me redefine my purpose, AND my direction.

Do you know yours!?

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