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A Few Tools To Help You Find Your Purpose

In this blog I shared a list of questions that will help you define your purpose for your business, and indeed, for your life!

Defining your purpose is crucial to a successful business and is directly linked to what you feel passionate about. It also helps you decide on the direction your business should take.

I promised to share some tools that might help you define your purpose and direction.

Soul Purpose Test - This is a free test that gives you some suggestions for creating your purpose or vision statement.

The Passion Test - The free part of this test is good for giving you an idea of how you respond to things. I haven't tried the paid for version so can't advise.

How to find your purpose in life - This is a set of 12 exercises and I'm not going to go into them all!; needless to say, some I love, some I hate! I'd suggest trying these if you're REALLY struggling to define your purpose but I imagine they'll take some time to get through......

Of course, there are many things you can do without having to stump up a load of money:

Chatting with colleagues and family/friends

Vision boards


to name but a few.

There's loads of info available on the internet about how to find your purpose.

And if you haven't defined your purpose and direction yet

I really would encourage you to spend some time doing so.

It'll give you renewed energy and excitement to take your business to the next level.

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