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A Tidy Desk Is A Tidy Mind! - Get Organised.

Happiness writer Gretchen Rubin says it’s true that ‘outer order contributes to inner calm’.

For some people, being organised is one of the toughest things to do.

Being organised is really all about how your mind works.

For some people (like me!), being surrounded by chaos and disorder will send them into a fit of panic, distraction, and poor productivity.

For others, it's like water off a ducks back.......

Some people would argue that being organised is about being a control freak!

I'd argue that that's more a reflection of their own inability to be organised,

I'd argue, that it's about all the benefits listed below......

  1. Better time-efficiency - this is super important if your're working a job, running a home, looking after the children AND building your business.

  2. Reduced stress levels - when you don't have to worry about where to find things it makes life much less stressful!

  3. Increased productivity - If you don't have to worry about where to find things, and are generally less stressed, you'll be more productive.

  4. Increased self-esteem - being disorganised can be a reflection of how you feel about yourself. If you don't value yourself, you're less likely to value your surroundings.

  5. More likely to achieve your goals - being organised with goal setting hugely increases your chances of achieving your goals. You give goal setting a high priority when it comes to organising your business and your life.

  6. More money efficient - good if you're on a budget, trying to save or pay off debts. Being organised stops you buying duplicate items or things you don't need.

  7. Reduced health risks - cluttered areas are difficult to clean, and excess dust particles can increase allergies and respiratory problems, with the resultant deterioration in health.

Of course, being organised doesn't just apply to your working environment.; you can definitely apply your organisational skills to your home, your car, in fact anywhere really!

But, as everything, it does take practice,

and it does take discipline.

If you're struggling to get organised don;t try to do everything at once.

Start small, and once you get going you'll find the whole process gets easier,

and you might find you actually enjoy it!

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