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So Much More Than A Positive Statement

So, because of the fantastic weekend I had with my new Coach I'm going to explore some of things we did in more detail.

The first being....


I know I covered this no so long ago, but my Coach shared with me some additional tips to making your affirmations SUPER powerful.

So, what is an affirmation?

An affirmation is a positive statement that you make to yourself, and repeat frequently. The reason you feel a but like a wally when you first start doing them is because the statement you are making may not be true; it's a reflection of what you want to be true.


believe it or not, your subconscious brain can't actually tell what's true or not, or what's happened or not.

So, what's the point?

When you make affirmations you begin to reshape your belief system. Because your subconscious brain can't tell if it's true or not it just accepts that what you're saying is right.

The other thing our brain does is try to find and build evidence for whatever it is you're telling it.

By that I mean, if you're anxious about something and thinking about it all the time your subconscious brain will find evidence to support whatever it is you're anxious about.

And the opposite is also true.

If you believe something positive about your life your subconscious brain will find evidence to support that positive belief.

And this is where the power of affirmations lies.

The more you tell yourself something is true the more evidence your subconscious brain finds to confirm your belief.

Now, it's important to say that affirmations work hand-in-hand with the Law of Attraction,

in that, WHATEVER, you think for yourself and your life will be attracted to you,

whether it's positive or negative........

Of course, it's also important to say that none of this works without you taking action,

but when you say your affirmations alongside taking action

Oh My Goodness, great things can happen!

Here's my updated guide to creating and using affirmations:

1) Write it down. Your affirmation should be in the present tense, and written as though you've already achieved it. Every word should be a masterpiece.

2) Believe it. Say your affirmation out loud, and when you're moving if you can, for example jumping up and down, running on the spot, or when you're out and about, This helps you to say with emphasis and emotion, and this helps your subconscious brain believe it's true.

3) Repeat, repeat, repeat. It won't do any good at all if you say your affirmations every couple of days when you remember to say them! Say your affirmation, at the very least, every morning, but really as many times as you possibly can throughout the day. The more you repeat your affirmations the more they becomes embedded into your subconscious brain, and then into your belief system. Once your belief system has been reset, as long as you're taking action, they'll start appearing in your life.

Here are some examples of what you create for yourself:

I am so happy and grateful that I make daily sales.

I have everything I need to succeed.

I deserve, and am, successful.

I am so grateful for the abundance in my life.

Thank you for the unexpected income to flows daily into my life.

So get creating your affirmations, and let me know what you come up with!

Then, of course, start reading them aloud, and let me know what happens!

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