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Affecting You At A Cellular Level!

So, yesterday we once again took a dive into the world of affirmations, and I gave you some tips about how to write them and how to say them.

Today I'm going to share with you how they actually work,

and this is INCREDIBLE.

Our brain is wired is a unique way to each one of us, dependant on our past experiences and thoughts.

Our brains function through a very complex network of pathways that link together to produce our thoughts, feelings and actions..

As we have a thought it creates an emotion, and this influences the action we take, depending on whether we release endorphins (happiness hormones) or not.

Now, this is the critical bit.

When you experience a thought, because your brain is pre-wired (from your previous experiences) to respond in a certain way, you end up feeling and acting the same way that you have always done, with (usually) the same outcome.

Unless we are aware of this, we have little, or no, control over it.

This is where affirmations come in.

Remember yesterday I said that your brain doesn't know what's true or not?

As an example, try visualising eating a lemon. Feel the skin. Smell the scent as cut into the skin and the flesh of the lemon. Taste the juices as you put it into you mouth.

What's happening to your saliva!?

OH MY GOODNESS Your mouth is full of saliva, and YOU HAVEN'T EVEN TASTED THE LEMON!

That's how powerful your brain is.

When you start creating and saying powerful affirmations your brain responds in the same way as it just did when you visualised eating a lemon.

It believes it to be true, and responds in a way that it would if it were true.

So if your affirmation is positive and makes you feel happy (which every affirmation should!) you release endorphins (happy hormones).

When your brain releases endorphins you feel happy, less anxious and stressed, they act as a natural pain relief, and can help to reduce your weight.

But what actually goes on in your brain?

Earlier on I said that our brain is a complex network of pathways, wired in a unique way, depending on our experiences.

When we say positive and powerful affirmations our brain starts creating new pathways,

and this happens at a cellular level.

This is called Neuro-plasticity.

New cells are created to create a new pathway,

just from your thoughts and what you say out loud.


This is how affirmations can be used to create new beliefs and get rid of old limiting beliefs.

You just need to tap into the power of your brain!

I'm definitely up for that!

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