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Top Tips For Developing A Growth Mindset

Yesterday I shared with you Carol Dweck's 4-Step Process to change from a fixed to a growth mindset.

Today I'm going to share some top tips for when you're started to implement the 4-Step Process.

  1. Acknowledge areas for development - hiding from them won't move you forward.

  2. Stop saying you've 'failed' - instead see every 'failure' as an opportunity to learn and grow.

  3. Stop viewing 'areas for development' as failures - areas for development are exactly that! There's no failure in needing to improve upon something.

  4. Don't run away from challenging situations - instead embrace them as a learning opportunity.

  5. Try different methods of learning - we each have our own method of learning which helps up to learn best. Understand which works best for you, and use it to maximise what you learn from any situation.

  6. Change the word 'criticism' (whether it's constructive or not!) to 'feedback' - the word 'criticism' implies that you've done something wrong; 'feedback' is much more positive.

  7. Enjoy the learning process - whatever your subject, ENJOY IT! You'll learn much better if you enjoy the learning process.

  8. Give yourself time - it's much better to learn slowly and well, than fast and superficially. Take your time to learn your subject well.

  9. Recognise hard work - it's easy to get caught up in how 'gifted' someone might be. Even 'gifted' people have to work hard at their craft - recognise the 'gift' for what it is.....

  10. Dweck says 'Not yet' has become one of her favourite phrases - make it one of yours! Just because you can't do something right now doesn't mean you'll never be able to do it.

  11. Be persistent - If at first you don't succeed, try and try again. Stick with it. Every practice session will help you develop and take a step towards success; become unstoppable!

  12. Set high standards - we are really poor judges of our own abilities. Set yourself standards higher than you would expect to achieve, and you'll be sure to reach them!

  13. Set new goals - always have something to strive for. When you achieve one goal, set another. Goal setting keeps you moving forwards.

  14. Share your success and celebrate that of others - to truly live in a growth mindset you need to be able to celebrate your own successes, and those of others; don't be jealous and intimidated by other peoples success (it'll only slow you down!); be inspired by them!

  15. Make your choice! - you can choose to live a limited life in a fixed mindset. OR, you can choose to challenge yourself, grow and develop, and be the best possible version of you - EVERYDAY!

Be the best possible version of you!

Be inspired and inspiring!

Become unstoppable!

Be extraordinary!

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