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How To Stay On Purpose

Now you've found your purpose and direction you're beginning to take action around this.

You're excited,

You're motivated,

You're ON IT!

But, of course, we all know that life gets in the way sometimes, and you can lose sight of your purpose.

So how do you stay focused on your purpose?

Here are my top 10 tips:

  1. Set goals - ABSOLUTELY THE FIRST THING TO DO! You have to have goals (we'll go over this again!).  If you don't have a goal you're like a ship without a rudder, bobbing around on the ocean waiting for the wind and current to shore you up somewhere; who knows where.  Set your goals, read them aloud each day, and review them when you need to.

  2. Create a plan - You've got to have a daily plan.  If you don't have a plan you have no guidance and nothing to focus on,  Write down the things you want to achieve that day and prioritise them.  Start with your top priorities and don't stop until you've ticked off everything on your list.

  3. Schedule your time - really this does work!  Schedule literally everything you need to get done; it frees your brain up to concentrate on those things at a certain time rather than worrying about when you're going to get it done.  It means you'll automatically stop multi-tasking, which often results in getting very little done; you'll be much more productive.

  4. Be organised - Yep you've got it - work space, inbox, living space, any other area of your life.  Be tidy, be organised - it reduces distractions.

  5. Start journalling - we'll talk more about this another day.

  6. Visualise - you might think this is a load of woowoo but if you can nail this it'll REALLY help you focus.  Spend a couple of minutes each day visualising how you want your life to be but when you visualise it, visualise it like it already is; your brain can't tell the difference between what is now and what is to come!

  7. Give of yourself - value, value, value.  Give what you're passionate about back to your audience.  Give more of yourself than you receive.

  8. Get rid of your little voice - we've spoken about this before; your little voice is not your friend.  When the little voice is telling you negative things like you can't do it or it's a waste of time, STOP IT!

  9. Get mentored - find someone who has already walked the path you want to walk.  They've been there, done that, and can be a huge source of inspiration and motivation for you.

  10. Find like-minded people - we are the average to the 5 people we spend most of our time with.  We've spoken about this before too.  Start making connections with people who are doing what you want to do; their influence will rub off on you....

All of the above will help you stay focused on your purpose and how you're going to achieve it.

Ultimately, the only way to achieve your purpose is to be focused and to take action.

Give yourself a fighting chance and do EVERYTHING  you need to do to get there.

As we haven't discussed this before, tomorrow we'll talk about journalling, and how it can help.

Don't miss it!


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