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You Need To Do It Daily! - Journalling!

All week we've been talking about your purpose and direction for your business.

We've explored why it's important to have a clear purpose and direction, and how you can find your purpose.

In this blog I gave you a list of tips that will help you stay focused on your purpose.

We've explored a couple of these tips before (goal setting, planning, giving value, challenging your little voice, and being with like-minded people), and I'm sure we'll revisit them.

However,  I wanted to take the opportunity to start exploring the things we haven't looked at before.

We're going to start with journalling because I think it's one of the single most powerful things you can do to focus yourself.

So,  why journal!?

Journalling will give you whatever you want it to give you.

For example,

Clarifying your thoughts,

Assessing whether you're working towards your goals,

Helping you recognise the good things in your life,

Using the Law of Attraction,

the list goes on.....

However, I'd recommend focussing on just a couple of thing, so you focus on what's important to you. 

We'll come back to that.

What journalling actually does is allow you to be in the present.

Many of us spend much of our lives thinking about the past, and the future.  This is something else we've spoken about before.

But the truth is,

we only have NOW,

and most people don't give it a second thought.

Journalling allows you to be in the present moment; it's the most powerful place to be.

Journalling can connect you to your values, and emotions.

Journalling can give you insights into your thoughts, behaviours and actions that you didn't see before.

Journalling can help you track your progress, development and movement towards you goals.

Journalling can give you all these things depending on how indepth your journal is, and how much time you spend journalling at each journalling session.

Journalling in the morning can really help you focus on the things you want to achieve that day,

whilst journalling in the evening can help you to appreciate the good things that have happened during your day, and clear out the not so good.

Journalling can literally help you with whatever you want it to help you with.

You can write pages of it,

or you can keep it short and sweet.

I've just started journalling, and it is helping me to be in the moment, and focussed.

I'm using it with the Law of Attraction,

and I'm keeping it really simple.

This format was recommended by a Trainer that I'm currently working with.

He recommended journally first thing in the morning, to set you up for the day, and it need take no more than 10 minutes.

So, what to journal about?

My trainer recommended:

What are you grateful for that day? What are your affirmations for the day? What are you attracting to yourself that day? Your goals - these would be the same each day, in addition to anything specific you want to achieve each day.

When you start journalling you need to do it daily to keep focussed.

When you do, great things happen; it's magic!

Start yours tomorow morning,

or even this evening if you have some things that you need to deal with before bedtime........ #journalling #focus #mindset


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